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At the usual conversion rate of 1,000 words per picture, this page is my way
of trying to say enough "thanks for the music" to some of the finest musicians,
and finest friends, I've had the good fortune and greater pleasure to play with.

with "pickmeister" Greg Douglass,
Christmas time
at the Country Store

Greg doing the eagle's cry,
going into 'Mother Earth, Father Sky'
in concert at HML

with Joe "the pro" Rathburn,
in his "Folkey Monkey" series at Milano Coffe Co.

Joe watching for where the h___
I'm going next on the dobro.
(He nailed it. :-)

with songwriter & player extraordinaire
John Katchur at Milano Coffee

with the world's best ever one-man band, Steve White

with Colin Beazley, lead player in Clay Colton's band, at O'Sullivan's

(here's the face under that black hat,
Colin tearing up on my electric 12-string)
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